Huawei HHG-2500 – Vodafone Connect IPSec settings

If you were wondering how to use the HHG-2500’s IPSec, here’s how you do it.

Phase1 proposal should contain:

  • 3DES
  • SHA1 or MD5
  • DH group 5
  • Lifetime: 28000

Phase2 settings:

  • 3DES
  • SHA1 or MD5
  • PFS Group 5
  • Lifetime: 28000

It’s important to notice that the HHG-2500 does not offer AES as cipher neither in P1 nor in P2. Not sure why, since the software used within the HHG-2500 is FreeSwan. I’m guessing that it is due to performance reasons.

My suggestion is to pick SHA1 as the hash algorithm if you can as MD5 is considered insecure at this point.

Also important that it won’t establish P2 SAs if you don’t enable PFS (which is of course a good thing).

Since the UI lets you enter only one remote subnet, there can only be one SA established at any given moment. You need to get around this problem by summarising your subnets according to your needs.

I hope this helps.

Simple Server Load Balancer

Hey folks,

I though I share this small project of mine with you. It’s a relatively simple quick load balancer implemented in user-space. The performance is as you would expect from a user-space balancer, however the rich feature set can be very appealing.

The fun stuff is that it builds with an embedded JIT compiler for the LUA scripting language and many of the decision making points can be totally rewritten and set up to match your needs.

Ever had the need to balance UDP streams? It’s more difficult than you think, but it’s possible with SSLB. It can be customised to balance any protocol and it has connection modules for TCP, UDP, Unix Domain Sockets (UDS) and it can perform Layer 7 inspections.

You can run multiple instances on a single host to expose different services. It’s quite funky and very resource friendly with a tiny memory footprint. It can be used as an inspecting proxy too.

I’ll go ahead and include the README file in this article to help you get an idea what it is about.

It is completely free and licensed under GPLv2 licence.



So the README:

SSLB v2.0 – Simple Server Load Balancer


I used to have a project where there were specific requirements around balancing load between servers. Obviously, there’re a number of existing load balancers out there and most of them are capable of doing many things, but at the time I had difficulty to find one which met my requirements.

If a load balancer was meant to be used purely on TCP level it usually lacks capabilities to make decisions based on say Layer7 information. If one is designed to work with Layer7 information, then usually it’s designed around balancing HTTP traffic and were very limited when it came to raw TCP streams. As for HTTP traffic, there are a number of brilliant proxies or proxy modules which support some kind of load balancing, but when it comes to say ‘sticky sessions’ the built-in logic is not sufficient, often very simple implementation not truly tracking session IDs but rely on some specific format of them. (route id)

And what if you want to balance non-HTTP traffic but make balancing decisions based on Layer7 information? Then you’re out of luck.

Given all this I went on and wrote one in C back in 2011. I did not publish the source code back then as I thought the project was only ever going to be useful for me. I however had to do something very similar now in 2016 and ended up looking at my pet-balancer again. I took the source code and ported/rewrote parts of it and the project is now in C++.

This opened up some doors, but frankly it’s more like stylistic difference, I am still yet to be convinced about C++ over C, but Hey!, time flies and recently I was only working in higher level OOP languages, so I thought it’s going to be C++.

During the design phase I have re-evaluated how I had thought about my balancer and figured why hardcode certain things, why not make them completely configurable? That’s not a big deal, everyone gets to this conclusion in about 10s, however I was no longer thinking about modules (like SSLBv1 already had). I went a step further. What if I implemented something more, but still optional, as a module.

I decided to integrate the excellent LUA engine (either interpreter or JIT compiler) into the project and externalise certain logic. This was a big step forward, surely. Have a look at the sample scripts and you’ll understand why.


* Support for raw TCP flows
* Support for various balancing algorithms
– Round-Robin
– Least-Connections
– Weighted
* Support for Layer7 information evaluation (eg: HTTP Cookie based sticky sessions)
* Support for Layer7 stream manipulation
* Scriptable balancing decisions
* Scriptable Layer7 processing
* SSL off-loading
* SSL on-loading
* UDP balancing (this is a bit tricky of course and there are limitations, but can be extremely useful)
* Protocol transformation support (say backend TCP, front-end UDP or the other way round)
* Full support for IPv6
* IPv6 -> IPv4 transformation and vice versa
* Unix domain sockets support
– allows exposing the service as UDS
– allows balancing to UDS services
* Support for various sets of backends at the same time (some can be for example TCP, others SSL,
others UDP or Unix Domain sockets, etc. )

Build Requirements

You’ll need cmake >= 3.0, make and a c++ compiler. I wrote the project on OS X using the clang++ compiler, but tested it on g++-4.9 as well on Debian Linux. Probably compiles fine on any *nix OSes as long as the compiler supports C++11.

If you want the LUA support you’ll need either Lua or LuaJIT libraries and header files. If you need SSL support you’ll need OpenSSL libraries and headers or any derivative.

In a list form:

* clang++ or g++
* cmake (>=3.0)
* make
* POSIX threading library
* OpenSSL (optional)
* Lua or LuaJIT (optional)


    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..

How things work?

SSLB can be run either as a daemon or an application. Either way it will use a threadpool based architecture. SSLBv1 had a pre-fork model usable as a `worker`, but I did not bother with that this time, given the threading is more efficient.

The application has a simple config file which is divided into sections. The sections are between square brackets `[` and `]`.


    TestVariable = testvalue

A sample config file is included in the `test` directory along with sample LUA scripts.

SSLB logs via syslog by default if available, however you can disable this in the config file and use the built-in logger to write to a log file in the file-system.

And then the fun part. LUA. If you have `Lua` or `LuaJit` headers/libs on your system (libluajit-5.1-dev on Debian) then you can build in the excellent `LUA` language. If you do, then you can externalize certain things if you want to.

`LuaJit` are always preferred (due to the performance benefits), but be aware which interpreter you’re using. `LuaJit` is currently supports up to LUA 5.1, whereas if you use the vanilla LUA library that is already at version 5.3. Obviously, you’re scripts must be written with the used version in mind.

Of course there’s no need to use LUA even if you compiled support in for it, but if you do, you’ll have full control over:

*  balancing decisions, upon connection establishment
* Layer7 information access (essentially you can inspect the data passing through)

Well, this is more powerful than you think. Just look at the sample scripts. As far as I know this is the only balancer capable of SIP NAT fixups, for example. Don’t quote me on this though. I am aware of some stateful firewall which capable of just that.

How LUA is so useful?

Balancing scripts:

* you can implement your own balancing logic
– for example provide sticky session by looking up session data from a file or DB or calling a REST endpoint
– fine-tune the balancing logic to something what regular balancers don’t support

* you can record balancing decision and or client information
– you can log all of your client connections and or statistics in a file

Layer7 scripts:

* Provide balancing decisions based on traffic (say an HTTP cookie, see sample script)
* Balance non-HTTP traffic with insight (SIP, RSTP, etc.)
* Log certain parts of the passing traffic
* Manipulate passing traffic (say Rewrite SIP request, perhaps do NAT fixup before/after balancing)
* Duplicate flows (like port spanning in switches), send requests to more servers
* Split request based on traffic (say you can send traffic to nodes based on a field in the passing JSON traffic)

Data persistence

Lua scripts can store data in a memory store using the `*_user_data()` functions. However this is not persisted across restarts for example. You can do this using the `Shutdown` and `Startup` script entry points respectively. These are invoked by the SSLB core and it’s possible for you to save all the data in the memory store and upon the next startup load the data back. A simple data dump is shown in `shutdown.lua`. `Startup` is invoked before SSLB starts to accept connections and `Shutdown` is called after all connections have been terminated.

The user data in-memory store is backed by a regular C++ map, therefore can be considered pretty fast for scripting purposes. The store is entirely managed by the user (hence the name) and it’s only lost on shutdown.

Closing thoughts

SSLB is a very flexible yet tiny networking tool. You can build any kind of proxy out of it. If you don’t want to use it as a balancer, just define one backend and done, SSLB became a proxy where you can script what happens inside without writing all the boilerplate networking code.

Resolving Windows 10, OSX 11.0+ EAP failure

If you’re one of the guys who are running freeradius based EAP authenticated wireless access point network, you might have noticed that the latest operating systems won’t authenticate against your existing deployment.

The cause of this is really simple. Both the ciphers and key length requirements are changed in these new operating systems. This is of course natural in the light of the evolution in the security area, however can be really frustrating to resolve.

Similarly we have had a freeradius EAP deployment and needed update to work with Windows 10 in particular. Windows 10 requires Diffie-Hellman parameters at least 1024 bit length. If you have your deployment in place for a long time like we had, it’s likely that you only have 768bit DH parameters in place.

To resolve the issue, just generate new DH parameters (you don’t need to touch your certs) with

openssl gendh -out dh.pem 2048

and point you freeradius EAP module to it. You can just simply replace your previous DH parameters with this.

Also worth mentioning that although I have said that your certs don’t need updating, you need to ensure that the key length is >1024 bit in your certs and the  hash algorithm is not MD5 which is similarly no longer supported by recent operating systems. When I say not supported, I mean deprecated.

I hope I helped.

How to protect your ESXi host with a pfSense running on it

If you happen to have an ESXi which needs to be in hosting, or some remote network where you cannot have a firewall protecting you ESXi installation this guide might be of help to you.

In such situation you have two options to go with:

  • Give the ESXi host the public IP given by your ISP and rely on it firewall setting (which is not feasible if you only have one IP address)
  • Install a firewall as a VM on the ESXi host and use that

The first solution is not a winner if you’ve got only one public IP assigned by your ISP as you need to purchase more for your VMs.

The second option can be handy, but it has a significant drawback, namely that if your firewall VM would not start, then you won’t be able to access your ESXi. To be honest in many cases you cannot do anything anyway if the host is not able to start up the VMs. This is usually due to a hardware failure which needs manual intervention either via an IP KVM or physically being on site.

So let’s try to sum up the goals and the planned solution:

  • We want to have our ESXi behind a firewall
  • We want to have VPN access to it’s management address (either site-to-site or RA or both)

The network diagram will look like this:

ESXi PfSense

As the above diagram shows you need to create 3 standard vSwitches for this to work. You will need to attach 3 interfaces to the pfSense VM and name the third one as “VMKernel” for the ease of understanding. You can stick with the default “OPT1” but it’s easier to understand the layout later if you go with “VMKernel”.

You attach only the WAN interface to your outside switch (vSwitch0) which then in turn can have your single associated IP address from your provider.

The next step is to assign your LAN interface to the inside switch (vSwitch1). This will be the interface looking towards your further VMs which likely to need to access the internet. Now that you have a WAN and a LAN interface you can easily set up a standard outgoing NAT from LAN -> WAN. Additionally you can set up some port forwards from WAN -> LAN too.

The last step is to attach your VMKernel interface to your third switch (vSwitch2) which will have the VMKernel interface of your ESXi host attached. The default GW and other setting will be matching your pfSense VMKernel address space and surely can be private range.

From here on, it’s easy to add IPSec, OpenVPN or any other kind of access from WAN -> VMKERNEL so you can access your ESXi. Same way you can set up access to your servers to if you need to.

If you have multiple IP addresses from your provider, you can add them to your pfSense’s WAN interface. The method will depend on how the IP addresses are given to you. The good thing is that now you can act as a router and ask your ISP to route all your addresses to your WAN IP or simply just add them as IP aliases.

The setup works perfectly well in an IPv6 context too. Depending how you get the range, either an additional /64 or less can be routed to your outside IPv6 address or you can use an IPv6 tunnel broker like If you do, just set it up on your pfSense as you normally would and they will provide a default /64 and you can get a /48 with one click. If you want to access your ESXi through IPv6 in this case you simply add the /64s to your inside interfaces (VMKernel, LAN) and the appropriate FW rules, and you can access all your resources.

As a last step make sure that your pfSense VM is set to automatic startup with the highest priority in ESXi so upon an eventual reboot you get the VM up and running first.

If you have a vDS setup, however the concept is adaptable you less likely to do something like this as you will have more than one ESXi host, etc.

I hope this made sense and was helpful. If you have any questions, let me know.


PS: Worth mentioning that the setup works with any other firewall product really (even just a simple Linux/BSD box with your custom firewall). The concept is the same. To be honest it works with different Hypervisors too.